Tag - Release
3 posts
Reverie: A Distant Daydream

Reverie: A Distant Daydreamfeatured

If I had missed the exact moment serendipity occurred before me, I am almost certain life would’ve passed me by. I would’ve had to wait another lifetime to finally connect with the resounding vibration that destiny laid before my feet. A simple precise blip in the space time continuum radiantly transmitting from light years away. Read more

Replenish Your Energy

Replenish Your Energyfeatured

We have stripped away ourselves to the core to bare the nakedness of our souls to the world. Vigilant to illuminate the darkness and the places within that needed healing and salvation. A epiphany of the truth handed down from the Heavens to move gracefully toward our plight. Visions of you surround me as I Read more

High Spirits

High Spiritsfeatured

Too many nights it suffocated my mind and filled my soul with an endless urge. The desire to run full force and take a leap off the edge of the highest cliff.Just to throw caution to the wind and make sure my senses could feel one last time. The rush of the world soaring all Read more
