Past Lives & Spirituality: Ohh the Possibilities

Past Lives & Spirituality: Ohh the Possibilitiesfeatured

A few months ago, I finished reading a handful of books that were written by one of my favorite authors, Brian Weiss. If you don’t know or haven’t heard about him, let me preface this by saying that he started in the medical field, shuffled into psychiatry, and since then has been a leading contributor on past-life regression therapy. He has written several books and, of the ones I have read, each one seems to take readers on a truly unique spiritual journey inward.

When I first stumbled across one of Brian’s books, I had picked up “Miracles Happen: The Transformational Healing Power of Past-Life Memories” in hopes to learn more about the concepts and perceptions regarding past lives. Over the years, the idea of past lives has been incredibly intriguing to me. Mainly because when you think about it, who wouldn’t want another chance to get a shot at redoing a lifetime to see if things turned out differently? What about another moment to laugh and spend in joy with a loved one who is no longer with us? Or spend time building better relationships with others? I know, I would.

If you think for a second, about what having past lives would be like, imagine knowing that everything you’ve experienced up to the point of reading this article is a part of your current life right now. You as a being, have existed throughout the span of time living, learning, and transitioning into death several times before this moment. From this, your soul continues moving forward repeating a similar pattern bringing you to where you are (current life) and to where you will go (future lives). When and where it ‘stops’ would depend on what you personally believe happens to you after you die. For me, spirituality has given more to me than religion ever could. Although I believe in a higher power and things associated with it, organized religion just doesn’t put the honey in my cup.

When you think about what the impact would be to live over several lifetimes, keep in mind that everyone you’ve met and encountered would be having the same experience as you. I’m curious, but in your travels have you ever met someone for the first time and felt like you’ve known them for years? It feels like a total creeper moment and is still something that makes me laugh to this day. The questioning and the oddity in how it feels to ask yourself these questions, let alone share that with this random stranger. Soul recognition, albeit a completely different topic, is beautiful and can sometimes help to bridge the gap of why complete strangers can feel so familiar.  They feel this way because you have in fact met them before, in another lifetime, with a different set of scenarios and situations.

Thousands of souls are grouped together in a lifetime meeting one another and encountering obstacles, lessons, and truths about our personal journey’s so each of us can continue to grow and learn. Think of all the people you’ve ever met and the roles they’ve played within your life, regardless of the outcomes. They were there for a reason, whether it was to help you grow, for them to grow, change directions, or step away from a repeated cycle. Each of us helping one another to move forward in our soul’s purpose.

For some, this idea of having past lives and reincarnating into another life is a mythological and foolish concept. It goes against every fiber of their being, core beliefs, and how they were raised. But every single one of us is entitled to find the things that resonate with us. Freedom to explore the unknown and appreciate what is comfortable. Humanity spends an obscene amount of time analyzing and deciding on personal and societal morals, religious contexts, spiritual beliefs, and whether there should be a separation or unification between church and state in most areas of life. It is nice to see things through a different lens for a change, even if it raises a few eyebrows.

Many Lives, Many Masters” and “Messages from the Masters: Tapping into the Power of Love” are two other great books that shed some much-needed light surrounding past lives. If you haven’t read any of Brian’s books, I would encourage you to start off with “Many Lives, Many Master’s”, as it’s a great foundation for the books that follow. “Messages from the Masters: Tapping into the Power of Love” illuminates and expands upon the scenarios highlighted in “Many Lives, Many Masters”. Read them in tandem and open yourself up to something new.

Even if you’re not looking, sometimes the Universe sends us signs, symbols, and messages that we later find out we needed; hindsight is 20/20. Before I snuggle up to some well needed tea, I wanted to leave you with one of my favorite quotes from “Messages from the Masters: Tapping into the Power of Love” found in Chapter 11 on page 179:

We also must learn not to just go to those people whose vibrations are the same as ours. It is normal to feel drawn to somebody who is on the same level as you are. But this is wrong. You must also go to those people whose vibrations are wrong…with yours. This is the importance…in helping…these people. Our path is an inward one. This is the more difficult path, the more painful journey. We bear the responsibility for our own learning.”  – Brian Weiss

Until we meet again. With Light & Love ♥

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