Know Your Limits: From the Point of Exhaustionfeatured
Today I am feeling long winded, but it is finally the weekend. I can’t even begin to digest the chaos from this week without wanting to throw myself on the ground. It’s been a whirlwind of crazy from the word Monday. So many things – mainly feelings and emotions – regurgitated from the most random situations that have been sprouting out and around every corner and hallway. It seems as if the Demogorgon is coming and this time, I’m praying it just takes me.
As an HR professional, a lot of my job requires me to strategically tackle policies & procedures while placing a huge focus on people. What they don’t tell you is in this role you must also therapeutically help people work through their personal emotions – i.e. empathy, compassion, kindness, respect, prejudice. Why does any of that even matter? Because sometimes the emotions of others cross a line that requires HR to investigate things further, to understand why people put their jobs and the company in a certain level of risk. Situations such as workplace violence, sexual harassment, and unprofessional behavior are real scenarios that happen almost daily at any and all organizations.
Most of us are forced to interact with people throughout our work day. It’s a part of the professional world we live in. You know for yourself that you have hundreds of feelings, thoughts, and emotions. So if 1,000 people are packed into an organization, at one location five days a week, then be prepared for those emotions to run loose at times. If you’re out there living your best life and staying out of the offices of your HR Department, then please know that your organization thanks you. I thank you.
What is important here is that we all have days & weeks like this regardless of our jobs. Moments when it’s much easier to stand on a chair in the middle of the lunch room cafeteria and just scream…very LOUDLY. This helps to grab the attention of those around us and clearly relay through our loud high-pitched screams that everyone should kindly leave us be in peace. Afterall, screaming clearly brings these insightful messages to the forefront. But before you run off to test this in your nearest cafeteria, here are a few things to consider when you experience moments like this of total exhaustion.
Are you Energized by People or Space?
Interestingly enough, there are individuals who find their internal batteries are recharged by being around other people. It’s as if a light switch goes off and they come alive when they are around family & friends while engaging in group activities. The total point of exhaustion no longer phases them, and they function like the energizer bunny – their mind always on the go.
Other individuals may need quiet time and space from the world and all its people in order to recharge. Time spent alone with their thoughts helps to release those feelings associated with their day. A lack of interpersonal stimulus helps this group of people quiet the machines of their mind and slow down. Once their internal batteries are recharged and feel they can keep up with the pace, these individuals will gladly rejoin their friends and family.
Although there is a lot of discussion about the differences between Introverts & Extroverts, socializing can cause exhaustion regardless of the personality bucket individuals fall into. Constant stimulation works really well for some, but everyone needs a break at some point to collect themselves and move forward. Make sure you take the time to know what works to energize and recharge your internal batteries, especially for your overall well being.
Disconnect from Electronics & Social Media
In a previous post, I discussed how common it is for folks to be so emotionally plugged in to social media, the news, politics, our own surroundings, etc. It can get incredibly overwhelming to be engaged and keep up to speed in everything all at once. So much to the point that we forget to unplug ourselves from the light socket and turn ourselves off for a bit.
It is critical that we do this because while having emotions and expressing opinions are ideal, it’s questionable to understand whether we’re missing out on how to communicate with others or the self-awareness it takes to understand other opinions that are different from own. If we fight the battle of being constantly engaged in technology and social media, without taking time for ourselves to regroup, then we can unintentionally carry our emotions around with us everywhere we go. So much to the point that Bob, Sally, and Sue now know you don’t like cheese with your fries and that you won’t change your mind no matter what.
Being objective and self-aware are important components that fall under the emotionally intelligent umbrella. Applying these qualities to our day to day can help individuals better understand others and build stronger relationships. Plus, disconnecting from electronics and social media can free space in your mind to learn something new. Every day is a new opportunity to learn, grow and evolve. Don’t waste that time squandering it away while being focused on something that doesn’t benefit you.
Destress, Destress, Destress!
If you’re like most people, and I imagine that you are or else you might be a robot, at some point in your life you have experienced stress; at all levels (high & low), from all the things throughout your inner circle, and with full throttle fervent emotions. From the situations you experience in your personal and professional lives, to the people that you interact with, or even from the expectations you’ve placed upon yourself, there are various forms of stress that we encounter, and it escapes no one.
Coexisting as an endless burden, stress is specifically placed on the body as a constant reminder to ‘do better’, ‘push harder’, and ‘rise above’ current problems. As human beings we innately and inherently believe that this teeter-tottering of destructive behavior and self-critical habit will help us achieve greatness and succeed in our endeavors. While some may feel that they excel better under stress and pressure, the soul and spirit end up paying the price.
Many folks try various ways to reduce and relieve stress. Whether it’s through exercising at the gym, weight lifting, yoga, reading, traveling, or through video games, it is important to find something that works for you and your health. How each of us handles our stressors is critical to the survival of our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. You have but one life. Please make sure you’re living healthy both on the inside and out.
Laughter is the BEST medicine.
This one sounds so easy, I’m not even sure you need to be told how to do this. I speak from plenty of awkward experiences that laughter finds its way through the most difficult and frustrating situations. If you can’t find something to laugh at consider browsing the web (or Pinterest) for humorous memes. You can literally spend hours finding things on YouTube and other websites that will help to bring a smile to your face and brighten your world.
In fact, the other day, I found a quote which read, “I named my horse Mayo. Mayo Neighs.” I laughed for a good five minutes at this ridiculous statement. And while I realize it’s not really all that funny of a joke, the smile is what I most needed. Another thing to consider, and sometimes hard to do, is to be mindful of the smiles (or lack thereof) of those around you. There’s always a time and place to be serious, however, I find that I can insight laughter by being odd.
Am I the kind of person who dances in the hallways at work and greet people/strangers I haven’t met yet this way? You’re darn right I am. It means more to me to know I gave someone a happy moment when they really needed it. I already know I’m goofy, I care a lot less when the world seems to join in on that.
Have a flare for some Self-Care
Now, first things first, I’m a lady so I like lady things when it comes to promoting self-care for me. Bubble baths, bath bombs, candles, incense, and all the other smelly things. I will gladly take my self out on a date for the weekend to pamper myself with massages and getting my hair done. These are the things that work for me. However, self-care is not gender specific and works for anyone!
One recommendation that I have for you to try to promote self-care would be to try meditation and yoga. Not only is it easy to do and can be accomplished in as little as five minutes, but it’s practically free. It also positively influences our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health, while leaving the soul feeling relaxed and able to breath. Try it a FEW times to see whether or not it works for you. If self-care simply ends up being that you make an effort to sleep in more, then that works too. Just make sure you’re patient and giving with yourself as much as you are with everyone else.
Lastly, I hope your transition from the past week into the new week ahead is smooth. Make sure you take some time out for yourself and to step outside. The sun is lovely this time of year and brings ahead an eager transition into the upcoming Spring.
As always, sending you Light & Love ♥