Broken In Pieces

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I wept for days unnumbered, praying not to feel,
All the while knowing that this madness was for real.
In the darkness I succumbed to the pain within my chest,
These chains locked tightly ‘round my wrists had put my hopes to rest.

I screamed out from my lungs as tears ran down my face,
Beaten by the hands of love with the truth left to replace.
Bleeding from your words as they cut along my skin,
Numbing all my senses as the walls around caved in.

I even tried to calm my nerves with a soft and steady tone,
But the lies left from your lips made me feel I was alone.
You stormed away in anger and with a powerful haste,
Even from your cruelty there was no love that I could trace.

I walked around in silence trying to heal my wounds,
Wanting to understand why our souls were not in tune.
And yet all I could think of was that of me you disapproved,
That you’d be happier without, so it was me that I removed

I almost drowned within my feelings as I tried to let it go,
Praying to find the courage when I had none to show.
My body pulled away as my heart refused to leave,
Addicted to this betrayal and without any room to grieve.

My love is not a possession that you mold within your hands,
I’m not to be controlled as a part of your master plans.
I’m here to love so freely, to be a partner and a muse,
But to take advantage of those things is not yours to choose.

I sought to move things forward and find a way to thrive,
But instead I laid there crying as a part of me had died.
Although I’ll never get that piece of which I gave away,
Over time it comes and goes, with hopes that it will stay.

When you think about me and wonder where I went,
Know that all the love I had, on you that it was spent.
I gave you all the freedom and with a life now left to see,
I’m healing from the destruction of what was once you & me.

With Light, Love & Healing ♥

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