A Musical Melody

A Musical Melodyfeatured

Carry my soul along the waves and drift me out to the open sea,
Help me to recover from the depths of the darkness and let me be free.
Separate the heaviness of the world from the truth that’s left untold,
Find me when I’m lost and let me see the magic of a story unfold.

Let me touch your lips with mine and run my fingers through your hair,
Unwind the chaos that’s inside and fill your life with love everywhere.
Walk with me and smile as our separate worlds seem to suddenly collide,
You give me this peaceful feeling and keep my heartbeat patiently in stride.

Entangle us in passion so our senses know what it’s like to finally feel,
Let the freedom of our journey help to guide what we know in our hearts to be real.
Stay with me when you’re ready and leave when you know that you must,
The bonds of a life are built from the ones we know we can intuitively trust.

Drown me in the light of the world cause there’s nowhere else I’d rather be,
Than to be chasing the colors and feelings from a sweet soothing remedy.
It ebbs and it flows, so with it I go to the tune of the wind as it flew,
The music so loud and so is the crowd, as the melody began to subdue.

With Light & Love ♥

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