Wild Icarus

Wild Icarusfeatured

Far away I flew, like Icarus in the wild, desiring to be close to you. Consumed by your warmth, thoughts lingered in my mind of what our future could hold. Each time I came closer to your radiant beauty and glow, the quicker my wings seemed to diminish and burn. The further I flew away from your guiding light I easily dissipated into the midst of the waves below. But, if I somehow maintained a way to be too close and yet so far away, I could persevere in flight next to you.

But obsession beckoned me, tempting me to reconsider my willpower to be close to you. A risk to let myself be burned by you and fall to my death. 

And so I kissed you; willingly and with reckless abandon.
I have never known a brighter death than this.

With Light & Love ♥

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