What Is Your Self-Love Language?

What Is Your Self-Love Language?featured

Ooh la la, it is Friday. Thank goodness. Quite literally my favorite day of the week!

Aside from the most obvious of reasons, that I don’t have to be at work for a few days, the weekend has become a place where my main source of fun stems from. It’s a time where I can inundate all of life’s simplest joys into my spare time. Sleeping in, sitting outside on the back porch with a cup of coffee/tea, checking out Home Goods, getting a massage, and spending time with my partner are just some of the routine things I like to do. I love the feel of relaxation because of how happy it makes me.

Throughout the week working as an HR professional for a manufacturing company fulfills my need for social interaction. I’m constantly running around talking, communicating, and engaging with 700+ people daily. So finding a small quiet corner to call my own for a few hours really helps me recharge.

Building a relationship with yourself is always an interesting journey. Mainly because I think a lot of people struggle with fully accepting themselves for the person that they are. Each of us have both good and bad qualities about us that contribute to the overall image we have of ourselves. But our actions are an outlier to how that image, along with our feelings, develop overtime. We either learn to love ourselves or let our faults and insecurities take over. In order to understand ourselves to the fullest, we have to know what exactly makes us happy.

Gary Chapman wrote the book, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts, which discusses five “love languages” or ways your partner may show love and affection in a romantic relationship.

The five love languages include:
– Receiving Gifts
– Quality Time
– Words of Affirmation
– Acts of Service
– Physical Touch

Your partner may show you affection in each of these love languages at different times but there is at least one language that is their primary source. Knowing how to communicate through your love language and your partners is a strategy both of you will have to navigate through.

Now that we know what the 5 Love Languages are, let’s change things up a bit. What if instead of looking at these from the perspective of Love Languages, we look at them as being the five Self-Love Languages? Since we are also in a relationship with ourselves, and it’s truly till death do us part, we need to know how we give and receive love to our souls. Your love to another is a wonderful gift to them. But are you also giving that wonderful gift to yourself?

Using the same five love languages, let’s glimpse at what each of these would look like if we were addressing them with our self-love lenses.

As you can see, there’s a big difference between each of these self-love languages. Quality Time is my primary self-love language because I enjoy that break away from others to get to spend time with myself. How we love and take care of ourselves says a lot about how our lifelong relationship with our souls will be.

If we do not find healthy ways to make ourselves happy and to understand what our needs are, then it will be harder to connect to the world around us. When we can discern how these key points permeate through our lives, it will be easier to find our place in the world when life situations are thrown at us.

So tell me…
Who is there better to love you than you?
Who is there better to take care of you than you?
Who is there better to understand your needs and happiness than you?

All relationships are important. All.Of.Them. But the one you build with yourself has to be first.

Wishing You Light & Love,
– H ♥

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