High Spirits

High Spiritsfeatured

Too many nights it suffocated my mind and filled my soul with an endless urge.
The desire to run full force and take a leap off the edge of the highest cliff.
Just to throw caution to the wind and make sure my senses could feel one last time.
The rush of the world soaring all around, engulfing me,
While falling backwards with my eyes on the sky.
Reaching to feel the space in between the heaven’s and the Earth below.
Euphoria, will you come find me.

Colliding with the rocks below, the ground swallows me whole upon impact.
Letting my body become one with the Earth as I breathe my final breaths.
My soul will be at rest; deteriorating in the sand around me.
Someday I will grow again and breathe new life into this world.
Through the roots of a sapling or the nutrients of a flower.
I will rise and be reborn.

Light & Love,
– H ♥

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