Reverie: A Distant Daydream

Reverie: A Distant Daydreamfeatured

If I had missed the exact moment serendipity occurred before me, I am almost certain life would’ve passed me by. I would’ve had to wait another lifetime to finally connect with the resounding vibration that destiny laid before my feet. A simple precise blip in the space time continuum radiantly transmitting from light years away.

Meeting you was the beginning of a deeper realization that I had never known the full honest truth.

It is ambiguous how different life feels when you leave fragments alone on their precipice to teeter back and forth. The pieces will inevitably fall into where they are supposed to be. Faltering sideways by the gravitational law of free will.

Instead of wanting to turn back the pages and burn out the darkest pieces, I can now appreciate the depth of their obscurity with grace. I never thought I’d be learning to love the lines in the chapters of my life that have already been written.

But I find that oddly… I do.

Even on my island of self, boundaries became my draw bridge to self-respect.


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