An Encrypted Lie

An Encrypted Liefeatured

It is often the illusion of a lie that cuts the deepest.
A seed planted within the corners of the heart craving for a chance to grow,
Expanding its roots until it is intertwined deep within the pulsating veins,
Unified as one while the entire chasm begins to ache.

A false belief of hope bellowing throughout its walls,
Praying for the simplest chance to bloom into something beautiful and new,
Reminiscent of the possibilities of what it could inevitably be,
The festering decay of an eroded foundation crumbling beneath the pressure.

While a gasp of air is all it can muster with its breath,
The lungs quivering from the trail of tears pouring downward,
As human emotion places a weight on our consciousness,
Realizing the depth of the awaiting grave.

This is the corruption we put into motion when we deceive the heart of another.

[ -H ]

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