Lady of the Lake

Lady of the Lakefeatured

Stepping to my right in a cautious circular motion,
I will watch you with my fullest gaze,
Outstretched before me held tightly in both hands,
Lies Excalibur wielded by its one true master.

Obsession has led you here to me,
That much I can tell to be true,
And if you should walk across this sacred ground,
You may finally meet your match in battle.

For I am bound to Arthur & he to me,
The Knights of the Round Table will be sure to meet you at your undoing,
Consider this your warning my good sir,
Should you attempt to steal what has already been won.

Honor is everything.

-H ♛

P.S – This poem is inspired by the many stories of how King Arthur obtained Excalibur. If you’re not familiar with who the “Lady of the Lake” is, I would highly encourage you to Google it to find out. It’s pretty cool! 🙂

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