Intimate Conversations

Intimate Conversationsfeatured

It’s the way the tips of my fingers ache to caress what’s been unveiled before me. Illuminated in the vibrant moonlight are the soft dips and ridges of his bare skin. I watch quietly as his chest rises and falls with each new breath. A vulnerability so inviting that I cannot cease to resist its charm.

His broad shoulders and back are built strong like a barrier which keeps out the darkness. Encapsulating me in a space of mystified wonders and fervent entangled desires. Gently I trace the outline of his elongated spine with my fingers, while leaving remnants of my kisses and playfully trying not to wake him.

Quietly he stirs and rolls over to face me while his eyes are fully alerted to my presence.

“Are you trying to provoke me?” he whispers with a grin.

“If by ‘provoke’ you mean shower you with love and affection, then yes. I am trying to provoke you.” I reply with a laugh.

“Come here, let me hold you close. I know that’s what you want.” He stated as he held out his arm.

Repositioning my body so that my lower back is pressed up against his pelvis, I snuggle in close to his chest before wrapping his arm around me. It is here, next to his heart, where I always feel the safest.

“Thank you for always being mine. Even in those moments that have been most challenging, you never once threatened to leave or placed restrictions on our relationship. Despite knowing how stubborn we both can be, you never expected me to be someone I’m not.” I exclaimed as I softly kissed his arm.

“A true partnership does not place superficial restraints as a means to control the people involved. When a heart loves unconditionally, it is already aware that there will be mistakes made and flaws exposed. Nothing will ever be one hundred percent perfect. We have always been equals. What is weighing on your mind so heavily this late at night to cause this?” He rebutted looking down at me in wonder.

Turning my head to meet his gaze, I replied, “I was just reflecting on the past and how I wish I would’ve felt this peace and comfort sooner. That I wouldn’t have spent so much time proving to so many people that I had worth. I wish I would’ve seen it and claimed my power sooner. Your love and patience run deeper than anyone else I’ve ever met.”

“…In some ways though, I think we rescued each other at the right time in a very unexpected place. Two people so completely different in location, stature, and interests. But very much the same in perspective, goals, and behavior. I’ve never known anyone who nurtures all living things with as much grace and kindness as you do.”

“Your love has been such a gift in my life.”

Pulling me closer towards him and closing his eyes, he whispered in my ear, “As yours has been for me. Now try to get some sleep before our alarms wake us up for the day ahead.”

Aware of the warmth his body was radiating against my skin, I quickly realized how tired and heavy my body actually felt. Sleep sounded like the perfect antidote to my raging thoughts. Snuggling closer to his chest I allowed his heartbeat to lull me off to sleep.

If he holds me like this forever, I may never leave.

– H 💋

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