Tag - Deception
2 posts
An Encrypted Lie

An Encrypted Liefeatured

It is often the illusion of a lie that cuts the deepest.A seed planted within the corners of the heart craving for a chance to grow,Expanding its roots until it is intertwined deep within the pulsating veins,Unified as one while the entire chasm begins to ache. A false belief of hope bellowing throughout its walls,Praying Read more

Burning Destruction

Burning Destructionfeatured

Laying here in this moment my mind retraces its steps down a long corridor.Embracing the walls as the metal from a proverbial bullet grazes my heart – I am triggered.My chest pounds while my mind races endlessly; how easy it is to lose all control.Gasping for the air to refill my lungs, I cannot divert Read more
