Tag - Goals
4 posts
World Traveler

World Travelerfeatured

I will travel the world with you in all its endless beauty,To the peaks of mountain ranges to gaze upon what we have built together,Through sand dunes and ocean waves enduring the vitality of the elements. Even in the darkest places I will carry on towards your guiding light,From all the spaces in between we Read more

Locating the Perimeter

Locating the Perimeterfeatured

We have walked a thousand miles in search of what to feel, And by looking in another’s eyes to believe in what is real.I drew a line there in the sand to set my ode to thee,To understand one’s self & truth I must set my boundary. Each of us spend the proximity of our Read more

Healing: An Inward Journey – Part Two

Healing: An Inward Journey – Part Twofeatured

Welcome back! Hopefully you’ve had a chance to read Part One of this series. If not, then make sure to check it out when you can. It helps to bridge the two pieces of this together! Remember, living with intention encourages us to focus on our goals and to make a conscious effort to achieve Read more

Healing: An Inward Journey – Part One

Healing: An Inward Journey – Part Onefeatured

Within the last few years, I’ve been spending a reasonable amount of my time working on myself to help heal certain things within my life. I never cease to be amazed at how much progress I’ve made and how life continues to surprise me. Each time I think I’ve hit a plateau in the healing Read more
