Tag - Lessons
2 posts
Lessons in Strength

Lessons in Strengthfeatured

Today I celebrate the occasion. The precious moment when this uphill battle I’ve been fighting allows me to gain a few more steps forward, securing a strong foothold. As if the ground has chosen to cease its forceful steep incline leveling out into a flat plateau. I can finally breathe without gasping for air. Moving Read more

Forever Friends: Phil

Forever Friends: Philfeatured

It’s been 1 year, 12 months, 365 days, 8760 hours, 525,600 minutes, 31,536,000 seconds…and I’m still not over it. Does anyone ever really get there? Today marks the first-year anniversary of when my best friend of 12 years passed away from cancer. Phil & I met in high school when my family & I had Read more
