Tag - Self-Help
3 posts
Lessons in Strength

Lessons in Strengthfeatured

Today I celebrate the occasion. The precious moment when this uphill battle I’ve been fighting allows me to gain a few more steps forward, securing a strong foothold. As if the ground has chosen to cease its forceful steep incline leveling out into a flat plateau. I can finally breathe without gasping for air. Moving Read more

As I Climbed

As I Climbedfeatured

It became the adventure my soul searched endlessly for, Tirelessly through the thickening of the brush filled forest.Decay settling in all around, as it nourished off the fruits of the Earth;The barren lands no longer had its potent and gifted elixir. Markings revealed themselves across my saturated skin,As I bathed in the rushing water that Read more

Locating the Perimeter

Locating the Perimeterfeatured

We have walked a thousand miles in search of what to feel, And by looking in another’s eyes to believe in what is real.I drew a line there in the sand to set my ode to thee,To understand one’s self & truth I must set my boundary. Each of us spend the proximity of our Read more
