Tag - Transitions
3 posts
Lessons in Strength

Lessons in Strengthfeatured

Today I celebrate the occasion. The precious moment when this uphill battle I’ve been fighting allows me to gain a few more steps forward, securing a strong foothold. As if the ground has chosen to cease its forceful steep incline leveling out into a flat plateau. I can finally breathe without gasping for air. Moving Read more

High Spirits

High Spiritsfeatured

Too many nights it suffocated my mind and filled my soul with an endless urge. The desire to run full force and take a leap off the edge of the highest cliff.Just to throw caution to the wind and make sure my senses could feel one last time. The rush of the world soaring all Read more

Growth & Transitions

Growth & Transitionsfeatured

I hope wherever this post finds you that you are happy in this moment, healthy mentally/physically/spiritually, and exactly where you want to be. We don’t know each other, or even if we do, I am sending you all the good vibes and energy you can possibly hold. We all could use a little extra from Read more
