Tag - Waves
3 posts
Replenish Your Energy

Replenish Your Energyfeatured

We have stripped away ourselves to the core to bare the nakedness of our souls to the world. Vigilant to illuminate the darkness and the places within that needed healing and salvation. A epiphany of the truth handed down from the Heavens to move gracefully toward our plight. Visions of you surround me as I Read more

Wild Icarus

Wild Icarusfeatured

Far away I flew, like Icarus in the wild, desiring to be close to you. Consumed by your warmth, thoughts lingered in my mind of what our future could hold. Each time I came closer to your radiant beauty and glow, the quicker my wings seemed to diminish and burn. The further I flew away Read more

The Shoreline

The Shorelinefeatured

The water always moves me when there’s sand between my toes,While the wind it seems to hug me as the sunlight beams and glows.My thoughts they always travel with an airy sort of feel,A water bearer of the world whose light is left to heal. Waves crash against the shoreline gives a playful sort of Read more
