Tag - Wings
3 posts


Gone are the days of youthful feminine naivety, When the willingness to balance the scales of justice felt dignified,As innocence coursed through veins at indescribable speeds. Encased within the comfort of my cocoon,I have waded the waters of intimate self-discovery,Tearing through the reflection of an unrecognizable image. I am no longer the caterpillar inching forward, Read more

Wild Icarus

Wild Icarusfeatured

Far away I flew, like Icarus in the wild, desiring to be close to you. Consumed by your warmth, thoughts lingered in my mind of what our future could hold. Each time I came closer to your radiant beauty and glow, the quicker my wings seemed to diminish and burn. The further I flew away Read more

Angel Wings

Angel Wingsfeatured

If you had angel wings would you fly so high above,And visit every city with those of whom you love?Would you shine your light upon them and a close embrace?To feel the joys of laughter as tears roll down their face. Would you share your love in a few moments of quiet bliss, And smile Read more
