If not all is lost, where is it?

If not all is lost, where is it?featured

I had all intentions of writing a serious post today with plenty of thought-provoking concepts and imagery for you. We were going to reflect on current events, how it impacts each of our lives, and how to tackle the obstacles in the long run. But then I got lost in my thoughts (such distracting and curious thoughts), which carried me to places and times of old, and I started thinking that maybe instead of something serious we should just let the light in a little. So, I opened my curtains and here we are!

Have you ever noticed that sometimes we take life too seriously? Of course, you have! We all have! (You have, haven’t you?) It’s easy to get caught up in the details of the way things should and shouldn’t be. We try to dictate the way things unfold, how they get assorted, and displaced to those around us so that we can remain comfortable in our current endeavors. Each of us has done this in some form or another, whether intentionally or not. Think about the times you’ve spent with your children making sure that they don’t put a small toy up their nose or in their mouth. It’s a constant battle between allowing them to have fun with their toys, and how they can play with them, so that you can comfortably sit on the couch for 5 minutes with a few moments of peace before they come barrel rolling in. It can be very taxing!

Even those times at work when you’re completing your responsibilities and other duties as assigned. You may have a very specific way you like to perform your job. It’s comfortable and well known to you and you feel successful in how you achieve your goals. But because you have to play well with others, or you’ll end up having to talk with Human Resources, you have to learn to mediate those moments with your colleague Brenda who constantly likes to give feedback about everything. You often find, within Brenda’s presence, that you’re having conversations with yourself saying things such as, “ALRIGHT BRENDA! I GOT IT!” or “NOBODY ASKED YOU!”, a little more frequently than you anticipated. In order to minimize your risk of strangling or cursing out your peer, you find better methods to avoid Brenda like the plague and reduce the high levels of eye twitching behavior.

Sometimes seeing the overall big picture can be a hard and stressful thing to do. A lot of time is spent assessing how every little aspect connects to the other, while trying to achieve ideal results, and hoping that it gets you to where you want to be. Each obstacle is a counterattack by the opposition trying to deter you off course to keep you further away from your goal. But it’s important that you complete the mission at hand. As someone who has achieved great heights from similar battles, Yoda has shared with us his personal mantra of defeating the opposition, “Do or do not. There is no try.” It’s hard to always be like Yoda, but it’s a great approach to patiently taking the time to understand that you have choices and decisions to make.

Understanding the intricacies of the smaller details allows people the ability to feel comfortable taking small steps towards achieving their goals. As Neil Armstrong stated when he landed on the moon, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!” It was not just the fact that he had to land on the moon and get back to Earth, it was also the steps he took in order to train for the mission, launch his rocket from Earth, land on the moon, get off of his spaceship, and roam the moon with Buzz Aldrin, that got him to where he was headed. Tying in what you already know about the small details helps to build the foundation of the big picture you’re looking and searching for.

So, when the world’s problems aren’t enough to deal with, and our personal challenges make it unmeasurable to escape the void of reality and expectations, remember to find something to laugh and smile at. Whether it’s at yourself (which never gets awkward), a meme, or something funny, being lighthearted is never too much of an experience for you to have. The end all, be all, wish all, see all, is just some jib jab nonsense that someone came up with to be more serious about life. While everything has a place, a time, a season, a reason, you don’t always have to follow by the adult rule-book of life. We were made to enjoy life, not suffer because of it.

With Light & Love ♥

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