The Beast Within

The Beast Withinfeatured

As a hungry wolf, he came into my life searching for vengeance and thirsty for the blood of his enemies. His mouth dripped with saliva as the snarl from his nose filled the air with anger and heavy breathing. I watched as he ripped apart the very essence of my surroundings with his claws.

At the time, I had welcomed him into my space so that I could let him heal from the cruelty of the other monsters around – humans. Blood was seeping from the gashes on his arms, pouring off his fingers and onto the floor below. In full view he was a tattered, mangled mess, searching for a momentary haven to rest and recollect himself.

He once asked me, “How could you love this illusion of a man inside the wolf standing before you? Why is it that you are comfortable with this darkness?

I had calmly walked towards him and responded, “The world chooses to see others with their eyes, at surface level, only for the benefits they bring to the table. You are a vicious animal with claws that creates destruction wherever you go by hunting and killing all living prey. It is no secret that to others you are a destroyer and havoc wrecker. But I choose to see you with my heart because the true nature of the beast resides within us all. I see a man who has known the barbarism and savagery of humanity for far too long. You have forgotten that there is benevolence and gentleness still left in this world. Who are we to judge a person’s beast from the perception of another’s resentment?

Candidly he had smirked at me while tucking a lock of my blonde hair behind my ear and holding my face, “And that is why I love you, Red. Because you see the world in a way no one else does. You see me for the man I am and not the wolf that’s so evidently apparent. The beast inside my soul has never known tenderness like you’ve shown to me.

He pressed his lips against mine and held me tightly next to his body, as the world around us faded away. The beast within us all seeks only to be understood by those who are understanding enough to see what inhabits the body and moves the soul. This is the untold story of our inner power.

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