A Bouquet In Bloom

A Bouquet In Bloomfeatured

In life, it is always important to remember that you are a being worthy of all that the Universe has to offer you. It is your right to enjoy the space to grow where you are planted. Sometimes we are overwhelmed with the weight that’s been placed on our shoulders or the lack of not having enough of the things that we want/need. But with determination and personal fortitude we can find our way to bloom in the open where we can enjoy the sunlight. Don’t ever stop unraveling your layers and discovering the uniqueness that is your spirit.

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I am in full bloom,
Like a flower in the Spring,
Unraveling my layers,
To soak up the sun.

I will water myself,
With the love of the Universe,
Nutritious in positive energy,
While manifesting the strength to grow upwards.

Strong roots will ground me into the Earth,
Leaves illuminating my viscosity,
As my flowering stem stands tall,
My petals will radiate the vibrant sunlight.

Watch as my colors shine.

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☀ Light & Love Always, ☀
– H ♥

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