Tag - Hope
3 posts
Dream Space: A Moment of Contemplation

Dream Space: A Moment of Contemplationfeatured

It’s one of the hardest places to be – standing at the precipice of watching your dreams come true. It’s the very dream you’ve spent your whole life thinking about. The one you’ve wished and prayed for with the hope that someday it will enter your life at just the right time. Never a moment Read more

Messages From The Heart

Messages From The Heartfeatured

Folding up his laundry and placing it in his dresser drawer, the presence of spring was vibrant and ready. The smell of fresh linen drifting throughout the room as a breeze from the outside wafts in. Taking a few moments break and walking towards the window, he glances out into the small crowd of people Read more

The Thoughtful Addict

The Thoughtful Addictfeatured

Laying down staring up at the ceiling the world seems to take a distant feel. Cold chills trickle down my skin like droplets of water falling from condensation. The outline of the ceiling fan twirls around the room as my reality spins circularly in a haze. Dilated, my pupils see the bursts of green, blue, Read more
