Tag - Expression
3 posts
Messages From The Heart

Messages From The Heartfeatured

Folding up his laundry and placing it in his dresser drawer, the presence of spring was vibrant and ready. The smell of fresh linen drifting throughout the room as a breeze from the outside wafts in. Taking a few moments break and walking towards the window, he glances out into the small crowd of people Read more

Only Time Stands Between Us

Only Time Stands Between Usfeatured

Hello, December. Your frostbite feels ever palpable you cold icy temptress. As I write this post tonight, it marks the one-year anniversary since I started this blog. While my first post was at the end of December 2018, I spent a few weeks trying to figure out what I was going to do with this Read more

Fragments of Time

Fragments of Timefeatured

Here we are, the first day of August, and the realization that we are definitely half way through 2019 is staring at us directly in the face. Time feels like it is cruising on a jet engine and flying right by without a worry or care. ✈ Are you ready to transition? For the leaves Read more
